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Jessie works with brands that nurture belonging.

Brands today are being called to step up and start caring (like, really care) about people and the planet. As a company, you understand that you are responsible for your impact on the emotional well-being of your employees and customers. Jessie works with brands whose values and actions reflect this. If you are committed to being part of the change instead of the problem, let's work together for the betterment of humanity!

Want to partner with Jessie? Send her an email 

Wigs by Tiffani

"Music of Humankind"
with The World is FuN

In 2014, Jessie embarked on a mission to collaborate with artists around the world and document it in the form of a music video. For six months she traveled solo to eleven countries across six continents, filming with over one hundred dancers and musicians she met along the way.

Produced by Jessie Sawyers in partnership with The World Is Fun, a Seattle-based 501(c)3 non-profit.

Music of Humankind
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